The "Trappers" as it is affectionately known by locals sits on the Tuam road on the the outskirts of Galway City. This well known Pub takes its name from a time when local trappers would assemble here after a productive day. Since then industrial estates and houses have sprung up in this part of town but the Trappers Inn remains. The Trappers has adapted to this change in landscape and provides wholesome food. Food is served both in the adjoining restaurant and in the rustic bar areas.


The Trappers is located on a large ste with ample parking and picnic tables outside for those rare sunny day. Its proximity to Ballybrit racecourse makes it popular with punters during the Galway Races festival .

Live music can be heard at the weekends  with local stalwarts such as Deja Vu belting out the hits.

The Trappers Inn
Tuam road
091 751228