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Pub Food

Pubs in ireland were traditionally not the place to go for a full meal but over the last 20 years and especially since the smoking ban in 2004, pubs now compete with restaurants for the quality of their food. The standard and type of pub food varies enormously but here is a small guide to some of the best.



Well prepared bar food. Nothing fancy but great burgers and seafood as well as daily specials.

Best described as a fresh, hot sandwich stall in a bar, Entrepans, which means “between bread” in Catalan, serves a selection of sandwiches made with locally sourced produce and cooked with international flavour and flair. Truly excellent.

Although two different pubs we list together as have the same owner and equally good quality food. All the pub food favourites as well as a wide selection of pasta and sandwiches. Can be somewhat expensive but quality is definitely guaranteed.

Massive menu incorporating a sandwich bar and a daytime carvery. Something for most tastes and pretty good value.

Entrepans @Bierhaus

Superior food but at a superior price served late in to the evening.

Great pub food including burgers, steaks, salads and some of the best chicken wings in Galway.

Well known in Galway for the quality of its food. Something for all tastes and perhaps more importantly for all wallets. Bar food is served until approx 9pm with the restaurant serving later. Excellent choice for large groups.

Good deals and pretty wide ranging menu.

One of the pubs that has really targeted the food market. The downstairs restaurant offers a carvery during the day and an a la carte menu in the evening. Seasonal local produce especially oysters are a speciality. However can be somewhat expensive.